2022 SEO Trends To Look Out For In The Coming Year


When it comes to online marketing, coordinating with content marketing services is a significant move. Content ensures your online visibility to potential customers. SEO ensures that people can find your content easily by search engines. In turn, this strategy also exposes your content to more people. However, SEO doesn’t stay the same, and 2022 is no different. If you want your business to stay on top, here are some trends you must know to stay ahead:

New SEO Model From Google

Every update from Google is a massive change to the SEO market. Since 2019, the search engine has been using BERT as its main algorithm. However, that has changed recently with the launch of its MUM update. An acronym for Multi-task Unified Model, the company hopes to change with the times by using an AI-powered algorithm that revolutionizes online searches.

Normal searches have barriers to overcome, like formats and languages. With MUM, Google can now go beyond those barriers. Instead of coming up with the right keyword, MUM allows users to combine text and images to refine the search parameters. Focusing on MUM-friendly content is important if a company wants to see better search results. This means creating high-quality content and being open to tangential linking so that Google will detect it better with MUM.

Need For First-Party Data Hubs

Websites are slowly phasing out cookies on the modern internet. This is mostly because of stricter privacy laws. The third-party cookies that many businesses used to help with their customer targeting are slowly being phased out. This can cause problems since it makes it harder for companies to keep track of their customers. It increases the importance of first-party data, which is data acquired by a company. The best move that any company can make is to create a first-party data hub to collect data on customers efficiently. This means they won’t have to worry about using other company’s resources or paying for them.

Man sitting on a sofa indoors

Moving Towards Voice Search

Voice search is the wave of the future, and it is evident in its increased use. While some people might be satisfied with typing in their search queries, those with smartphones use voice search for convenience. According to data, there has been a steady increase of voice search users, which will make the difference. SEO for voice is different from typed searches. The goal is to be more conversational and based on questions. Moving a company’s SEO to be more voice-friendly is a good investment in the long run.

Don’t Forget About Video Marketing

Similar to voice, videos are also becoming more popular. While whole videos are difficult to rank up on search engines, new technology has allowed for clips and seek markups on videos. Instead of forcing people to watch whole videos, companies can now specifically label parts of their videos. For example, a particular part of the video discusses a topic that might interest searchers. Labels can also be questions, which is more organic. This means that anyone asking that question in a search will be directed to the video.

Further Movement to Mobile

Mobile SEO is the future as the continued migration to mobile devices continues. While desktop searches are still necessary, smartphones and tablets are becoming very common. People don’t bring their desktops while they are out shopping or on a night out with friends. Becoming prominent with mobile SEO ensures that searchers will find you while they are on the go. This means an increased focus on structured data and responsive design. Lightweight websites are also a focus since mobile browsers can’t handle websites with too many features. Finally, GPS makes local searches easier and provides more accurate results for people looking for whatever they’re searching for.

Increased Automation

Another trend in the SEO world is the use of increased automation. There are a lot of SEO tasks that SEO professionals need to do, which can be difficult for any team. For example, a company needs to monitor its website constantly. Doing it manually is not possible anymore as visitors can reach thousands per minute. Additionally, search rankings and competition monitoring are also essential but challenging for human employees. Fortunately, automating these tasks is going to be the standard.

A good marketing partner will often keep you updated on SEO trends. But it is also a good idea to do your research to be aware of what changes need to be made to your marketing campaigns. Work with your content marketer so that your efforts in this department are rewarded.

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