How Can IT Professionals Improve Their Credentials?


Cybersecurity has become a necessity for companies in different industries. In the U.S., there is a need to fill the increasing gap between cybersecurity jobs and skilled workers, and one way to do so involves certification for IT professionals.

If you are still considering your options for a scheduled test, a CompTIA Network+ or A+ certification practice test is one of the available choices aside from accreditation that affirms your cybersecurity skills. Industry certificates not only increase your chances of landing a job but also help you acquire a higher salary since many employers are willing to pay a premium to hire those with the right credentials for cybersecurity roles.

Shortage of Cybersecurity Workers

The U.S. needs 300,000 more workers in the cybersecurity field alone due to the growing threat of domestic and international threats. These jobs are in demand whether from the private or public sectors. Despite the job growth in the broader information technology industry, there is a need to address the shortage of cybersecurity workers, especially in the next four years.

Some experts believe that virtual apprenticeships might be the solution. Training existing IT professionals eliminates the need to recruit new members and then teach them upon joining the workforce. These programs, however, would require funding. For instance, iQ4 Corporation serves as the sponsor for the Department of Labor’s Virtual Apprenticeship Program. Funding initiatives and public-private partnerships such as this one will play a key role in preventing a shortage of around 2 million cybersecurity workers by 2022.

Future Trends for Online Security

Cybersecurity IT

There has been a lot of key events in 2018 that justified the need for better cybersecurity strategies. From global ransomware attacks such as WannaCry to regulatory policies like the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the following year will be an exciting period to find out how private and public entities will cope with these changes.

On the regulatory front, businesses that handle information of EU citizens will need to beef up their cybersecurity systems. Part of GDPR compliance will involve consumer data protection and privacy for those in the European Union and the European Economic Area. The policy will redefine how corporations and other groups process personal information, with a particular focus on discouraging cyber-attackers.

An expected trend in 2019 involves cyber criminals being more inclined to target consumer devices, including smartphones and other modern equipment. As a result, cyber risk insurance might be more common in the near future. All of these trends present an opportunity for IT professionals to maintain their relevance in the job market. Whether you are thinking about switching to a new sector or you merely want a salary raise, improving your qualifications through training or certification will be a good start to achieve this.

Training, certification tests, and experience comprise some of the ways for professionals to improve their qualifications. If you choose to take the testing route, then practice exams and review courses will be necessary. How do you plan to enhance your IT skills?

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