Traditional Offices are Done as Corporations Embrace Flexibility / Corporations Adopt Remote Work Options for Employees


More than 40 percent of US corporations have employees that are telecommuting or working in shared office spaces. The traditional office setting may be a thing of the past as the majority of corporations are embracing flexible work environments.

What makes them choose remote work? Here are some of the reasons:

Lower Overheads

Two things corporations love is cutting costs and increasing profit. Traditional offices require huge investments and a ton of paperwork. The purchase or lease of office space, construction pr remodeling of the building, permits, inspections, and daily maintenance — all these accounts for a large overhead. That's on top of the wages of employees. Telecommuting and shared office spaces allow companies and corporations to avoid the expenses of having an actual office, while still retaining the services of capable employees. Companies avoid the taxes of having a large property but maintain the capability to employ workers or even expand their business to new locations. Flexible office setup is perfect for out-of-state marketing ventures or any project that need temporary employees.

Happier and More Efficient Workers

Workers in flexible office settings are happier and it shows through an uptick in performance. Traditional office spaces may not be conducive to some people. Telecommuting or shared office spaces eliminate such structures. Workers only need to pay attention to the task at hand and finish on time. Output-based systems are extremely rewarding and can encourage employees to do their best and become more efficient. The lack of higher-ups looking over their shoulders and handing down assignments reduces stress and tension. The shorter commute (if any at all) also benefits a company's employees. Workers save on gas and fares — but the shorter time to get to the office is even more valuable. Shortening a one-hour commute to 15 minutes gives a worker an additional 1.5 hours to rest or perform daily tasks. Turnover rates for telecommuting employees or ones in shared office spaces are extremely low and their job satisfaction is extremely high.

Adopting Remote Working in Your Company

Your company can easily adopt a flexible workplace system with just a few simple measures. One of the most important factors you need to address is how to contact your employees, assign tasks, and receive output in a safe environment. You'll need a management solution that can handle the training, scheduling, assignment of tasks, and data management. See if a cloud-based program management solution works for your business. Get in touch with a nearby coworking or shared office spaces. Look for established brands that can accommodate most (if not all) of your remote-working employees. Coworking and telecommuting may be ideal for capable employees, but it may also reveal the slackers and unmotivated ones. You'll need to set some rules to ensure employees remain productive.

Technology is making the world a smaller place — and that includes the workplace. Digital technology allows you to have workers from across the globe and the right software can provide you with the right tools to manage them.

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